Charlton Lakes Golf Course Local Rules.
“Boundaries” The hedges and fences marking the perimeter of the course
“On the Green” The area of grass mown short for putting.
“Through the Green”. All areas of the course except the tee mats and their surrounding gravel areas, greens and sand bunkers.
All tee shots must be played from the mats.
Through the Green
On the Green.
“Boundaries” The hedges and fences marking the perimeter of the course
“On the Green” The area of grass mown short for putting.
“Through the Green”. All areas of the course except the tee mats and their surrounding gravel areas, greens and sand bunkers.
All tee shots must be played from the mats.
Through the Green
- A ball coming to rest outside the boundaries or on the path between the 6th green and 10th tee is out-of-bounds (OOB)
- A ball resting in an animal scrape or on a molehill may be removed and dropped without penalty, not nearer the hole.
- Exceptionally, a ball coming to rest in a rabbit hole within a bunker may be lifted, not cleaned, dropped in the bunker within 2 feet (60 cm) of the edge of the hole/scrape, not nearer to the flag, without penalty, and, if a ball coming to rest in a bunker is considered to be unplayable by the player because of disturbances in the sand surface, the ball can be declared unplayable, lifted, not cleaned, and dropped within the bunker, not nearer the hole, under penalty of 1 shot.
- Concrete water distribution blocks and litter bins are immovable obstructions . Rule 24-2 applies : the ball may be moved, cleaned and dropped within 1 club length of the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole, without penalty,
- Earthworm soil heaps within 2 meters of the edge of the green may be scrapped or pressed flat.
- A ball coming to rest on a tee box or its surrounding gravelled area may be moved, cleaned and dropped within 1 club length of the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole, without penalty.
On the Green.
- If an animal scrape, divot or other, animal or man-made hole in the putting surface lies on the intended line of putt, the ball may be moved sideways a minimum distance to provide relief, not nearer the hole, without penalty.
- Earthworm soil heaps lying on the intended line of putt may be scrapped or trodden flat.
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Copyright C.L.G.C. 2014