Charlton Lakes Golf Club
Charlton Lakes is a public course, You do not need to join the club to use the course.
The club provides opportunities to play competitive golf.
It's free to join and there are no membership fees. The only cost is the modest green fee when you play in club meetings; adults £4.45, concessions £3.05, Children £2.25. Club Members with a handicap pay concession rates, regardless of age. The Club meets Every Tuesday for social golf and every Saturday for a Club competition. |
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Becoming a member.
You do not need to become a member of the club to play on this public course. Members are expected to obtain a club handicap by submitting 3 cards for assessment and to participate in club competitions. Assessment cards can be completed at the Tuesday and Saturday meeting or at any other time when the completed card must be authenticated and countersigned by a club member. Anyone wishing to enroll as a member of the club may do so by using the enrolment form (opposite). |
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